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Personal Details
Nom de famille
Programme de subventions
Formation complémentaire
Formation complémentaire
Early Childhood Education
Année de fin du programme de formation complémentaire
I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to access the ECE Ontario grant program. I am a biracial, Canadian born, first generation graduate. I completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual Arts Spec. Honours Degree at York University eight years prior to applying, and was unable to obtain any meaningful employment. Through this funding I was able to attend Seneca College, and obtain my Early Childhood Education Diploma. As a parent of two young children this has opened a lot of doors for me since. I now work as a Designated ECE for a school board in my community. I also am currently completing my Bachelor of Education in Catholic education and will graduate in 2024. I completed my ECE Diploma, and finished with a 4.0 GPA. I also made the Presidents Honours List at Seneca College, and I had no greater joy then attending my graduation ceremony with my children, and showing them the rewards for all of my hard work. Thank you for helping me to pursue this passion of working with children. I wouldn't be in my current program now if it wasn't for the ECE Ontario Grants.